Clairsentient and Empath

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Clairsentient and Empath
Post # 1
Would shielding help prevent me from being overwhelmed by negative energies? For example if someone gets hurt, I can feel their pain. When people talk about their sorrows, I feel burdened. Also, crowds make my head spin because there's so much different energy in one area.
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Re: Clairsentient and Empath
Post # 2
I've the exact same problem friend. In theory yes it would help alot. Though I can't really say myself as I've never been good at the shielding techniques.
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Re: Clairsentient and Empath
Post # 3
Thats just empath, not clearsentiant, and I think that meditation should help

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Re: Clairsentient and Empath
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: Clairsentient and Empath
Post # 5
True you are not a clairsentient you are just a empath
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Re: Clairsentient and Empath
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

Shielding should indeed help you with that.

Personally I am always uncomfortable in a crowd so when I know that I am going to have to be in a crowded room or a space around lots of people I first strengthen my shields and even move them a bit further away from my body so that I don't feel so uncomfortable.

Next time you go into a crowded room try putting up shields or strengthen the ones you have and see if it won't work for you.

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Re: Clairsentient and Empath
Post # 7
One shield I would recommend for a beginner is the nu-uh shield. Before you go out, think of one way to feel, cautious, for example. (it helps here to add an element of fun), mentally tiptoe out of the door that day.) All day, whenever your energy feels weird, you say, 'nu-uh' I have a cautious energy today. Recall (your personal) feeling and let it shine through. Use as many times as necessary. By now, I've learned to let the different energies flow past me like a breeze. It helps immensely with crowds. I sometimes have to take a few deep breaths to help clear my head but hey.
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Re: Clairsentient and Empath
Post # 8
Aum has the right idea. You decide how you feel, the only reason other people can is if you let them. Just realizing that you don't have to feel the way other people do gives you immense control over your empathy, so you can use it as a tool rather than be burdened by it.
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