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Post # 1
As of late, I have begun practicing to control my breathing and slowing my heartbeat. I started out simple; by timing inhaling, exhaling, and retaining, and adjusting it vaguely. Not more than ten minutes into it had I started to suffer from an aching throat that I still have not fully recovered from. Does anyone know the cause so I may adjust it, or how to mend it if it arises again?
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Re: Rheostat
Post # 2
Well, I know what it is, you have taken it too far too fast, you cannot master it in a few days or weeks, to be able to control it all it takes months. Reduce the time between breaths, it shouldn't feel like holding your breath, it should feel like you're filling up all of your lung space then letting it out slowly and then move on gettin linger between breaths. For now I recommend lemon tea with lots of honey in it to help your throat. Steer away from it if it is too hot. Keep away from sugary food, chilli food and food that is too hot while your throat is healing. Drink lots of water.
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Re: Rheostat
Post # 3
What your doing sounds like pranayama to me. Do not strain yourself with this practice, if it hurts reduce the time periods of that particular segment.

Straining yourself can do more bad than good.

Blessed Be.
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Re: Rheostat
Post # 4
Thank you, Oak, for the tips. The tea worked wonders as well. And thank you Hadit, I hadn't heard of pranayama until you mentioned it but I was able to look into it and found it to be quite interesting. It's not exactly like my practice but it only gives me something else to try. Thanks again.
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Re: Rheostat
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
This sounds as if you are inhaling through your mouth! You should only inhale through the nose;exhale through the mouth. Inhaling through the nose "warms" the air before it gets to the throat area. I am, or rather was, a professional singer, and breath control was very important.
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Re: Rheostat
Post # 6
Wow Brysing, it's great to to see another music enthusiast here!
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