Cursed Object?

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Cursed Object?
Post # 1
Hi, my friend used to have this necklace, which was apparently cursed i wasn't sure at the time but then while my friend was wearing this necklace his iPod broke, he said it was bad luck so he gave it to me i took it and then my laptop broke then i cant remember what happened but something unlucky happened to the friend i gave it to. is this mere coincidence or was it curse? this necklace was passed through a bunch of people who got bad luck from it..
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Re: Cursed Object?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
The point is, did these people have better good luck after they got rid of the necklace? The idea of something, or anybody,being cursed is a belief. And a belief doesn't make it true.
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Re: Cursed Object?
Post # 3
What I don't understand is if you believed the necklace was cursed whether it was or wasn't why would you give it to friends? I mean originally they gave it to you who probably didn't believe in it being cursed (you may have asked for it)and then when seemingly bad luck happened to you you passed it on as well until it had passed through many hands apparently. I'm a believer in coincidence but still it seems kind of strange to give such an item to people unless you wanted them to have bad luck. If I felt a necklace was cursed I would have either simply not worn it, thrown it away, or buried it rather than passed it around. No offense this just seems kinda weird like your acting out the reverse version of the sisterhood of the traveling pants.
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Re: Cursed Object?
Post # 4
Passing it along is quite rude if you balive that it is cursed weather it is or not

and isn't it kind of late to ask this since you dont have it anymore

And provided that the ex owners luck whas normal afther geting rid of it than it shour sounds like it is cursed to me
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Re: Cursed Object?
Post # 5
Must agree. Since you passed it along and have most likely lost track of it your question seems pointless. That being said, We once owned a brass bell with a brass unicorn on top and every time it was rang, something terrible happened. However, upon properly ' nuetralizing ' it we still had terrible things happen so, it was in fact coincidence, considering terrible things were happening beforehand too. Can objects be cursed or have negative energy attached? Yes. Especially metal objects but not enough to cause anything more than an uncomfortable feeling when in contact with them. Thinking a necklace can have enough negative energy to bring bad luck seems silly to me but maybe there is something I do not know. :-)
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Re: Cursed Object?
Post # 6
Or if you like the necklace you could always place it in a bowl of salt overnight, or bury it in a white cloth overnight during a waning moon to cleanse it and then pass it through sage smoke/steam for protection. Or you could leave it in your window to be cleansed by the sun and charged by the moon.
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Re: Cursed Object?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7
If you feel it's cursed, whether it is in your head, coincidence, or legitimate, use common sense. Get rid of it. Toss it in a river, bury it, kill it with fire! Just don't sit there and ponder who the next victim is going to be. Sigh...
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