Please allow me to introduce myself. I am MagneticDuke, a 20-year-old college freshman. I recently encountered someone who claimed to practice magic, and this aroused my curiosity. If I understand correctly, magic is essentially using the fact that you are part of the universe to bend it to your will.
Science and standard Philosophy haven't allowed me to form a working understanding of the nature of intelligence and life, and I'm hoping that, even if I cannot learn magic for some reason, that I can at least learn part of the philosophies behind it.
That said, I will have some rather severe limitations. I still live with my parents, both very faithful, anti-magic Christians, so I will have to keep my studies a secret. This means I won't have an altar to use, using any kind of material components (pardon the RPG language) such as candles and so forth is going to be nearly impossible, and any kind of chants presents the risk of being heard. This limits me to magics based on thought, meditation, will, emotion, desire and energy manipulation.
Hopefully I'll find a community of people I'm comfortable with. That said, I already have a question. I've already tried the "finding your element" spell, and got air/water as a result. Should I assume I miscast that one since I got a hybrid result? I've tried several recasts and got similar results each time.
Welcome to the site. I have not used an alter since following wicca. My spellwork is simple: I write a spell, I draw up energy from the Earth, I cast the spell. If it does not work: I meditate, I write a new spell, I draw energy up for three days, I cast again. Usually works first time though.
Re: Hello, everyone! By: Brysing Moderator / Adept
Post # 3 Mar 27, 2014
Why would Christians be opposed to magic? Even though I know that most of them are!
Jesus used magic all the time; what are the miracles other than magic? The Old Testament is full of magic. How about a Catholic priest? He uses magic every morning at Mass.
My grandparents were fire-and-brimstone Baptists that believed magick was very evil, the child of Satan! They also believed dinosaurs were satanic mutations as well. I have met quite a few "Christians" that preached the "evils" of magick, but then again, these folks also believe the world was created in 6 literal days, despite the evidence contrary. I have met some, though who have managed to see that many of their rituals were in fact based on Pre-Christian magickal rituals. I would pursue it, even if in secret. Perhaps you can network for those who practice in your area, and would be willing to assist, like with a place to practice, perhaps some books, etc.
Matter-of-factly, Jesus' disciples were Conjurers (Paul raised the dead),Healers (they all healed illnesses), and received miracles (not coincidences by any stretch) in the form of miraculous earthquakes, Paul was bitten by a deadly snake and survived (not a coincidence) after he survived a deadly storm that destroyed the ship he was on, with no loss of life (perhaps a protection spell?) and they all received visions of a supernatural nature. Smacks of magick to me. Perhaps you could bring these up if the situation arises?