High frequency healing

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High frequency healing
Post # 1
I was looking into ways of healing and came around this so was wondering if anyone knew anything about it, or could tell me anything? Blessed be
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Re: High frequency healing
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Spell Suggestions.
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Re: High frequency healing
Post # 3
The doctors used a high frequency medical device to break up a kidney stone I once had. That is the only place I have heard the term.
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Re: High frequency healing
Post # 4
Or you can go aboat it like this, energy vibrates, vibrating one way and back per second is frequency, the high frequencies are positive, any positive energy can be used at healing if you know how, so any energy healing which is intended to heal can be classified as high frequencie healing, or the neon platinum color energy (if you can see energy its easyer to go by color) which is the highes energy I have ever seen could also be referred to as, but I have never heard of this term and I know no healer who hase eighter I can guarantee that withoat even checking with them
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Re: High frequency healing
Post # 5
In what context was the term used?
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Re: High frequency healing
Post # 6
Based on the name, I would say that it has something to do with ebergy vibrations, as the higher the frequency of vibrations, the mor positive the energy is. I have, hiwever heard that amateur healers sometimes take away pain and spiritual impurities at their own cost. As one lady put it, she felt the pain being sucked out of her body. So it stands to reason that one of the possible ways of making the vibrations of another person more frequent (usually called raising the vibration) by putting energy in them. Another more harmful method however, would be to integrate the other person's energy field into yours (really disgusting because I am one of the few people who can feel consistancy energy like with fingers, some people have clean energy but come anyway, others have really disgusting energy that feels gooey and not pleasant to touch. Anyways, after doing so, they raise the vibration of their own energy and the othr persons
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