This post is about the work of E.A. Koetting and why his methods are tried and true. The purpose of this post is to hopefully enlighten those of you out there who have never read his work or call him a fluff because of how you interpret his marketing on youtube. Yes there is a lot of controversy over this individual but he is far from the likes of Silver Ravenwolf which so many of you boldly claim.
His Writing Style:
How many grimoires can you truthfully pick up and say that everything within them is 100 percent correct? I can't think of one to be honest with you and the same applies to Koetting's work.
His personal accounts and how he describes his life is questionable at best but what else would you expect from a creative writer who just so happens to be a self proclaimed "black" magician? The personal life he describes deceives you into believing his methods are real because he went from a homeless drug addict to an alright guy who makes a decent living free from drugs. Is that who he is, a deceiver? Maybe, but who's to say that there isn't practical magical instruction hidden within the contents of his work?
You would find this hidden content if you actually read his books. His fantastical magical ascent allows the reader to visualize throughout the entire book. By keeping you in this state of mind your able to visualize, see and understand the meditations, rituals and more serious aspects of his books. His writing style allows you the reader to work through each one of his rituals in your head by painting a perfect picture on how the operation should look and work. His work challenges you to visualize whether you see it or not but the important thing is that you will know how to tap into that state of mind because he subconsciously trained you how to do it from the beginning. Most books on the occult don't do this. They are very dry instruction manuals at best and don't give you the opportunity to fully understand or visualize the rite or ritual for what it truly is.
His rituals and method to magick:
The Basics are the Foundation of his work. All of his spells and rituals require the operator to will, meditate, and visualize with a specific intent. The invocation of omnipotence is at the core of most of his rituals. This is achieved in heightened states of meditation which can be obtained in the most basic "white light" meditations or in more complex rituals like The Bornless Ritual. The key to this meditation is calling enough of this energy into the self so that it causes the rapture state. More on the rapture state can be found in this blog post.
Finding yourself in the rapture state especially when it comes to evocation allows you the operator to behold the spirit that your calling forth. This meditation is not limited to this and you can apply it to just about anything magical including but not limited to shielding, consecrating magical tools, candle magick and much more. All of this is in his books but the point is that this is a valid method and is used frequently in his work as well as many others. With a little bit of intent you can achieve a lot with the rapture state.
His meditations, spells, and method to evocation is tried and true. There are many people out there who claim the impossible with his work. Shoot I've gotten amazing results from his methods but I'm not here to discuss bias and subjective accounts because that is what it truly boils down to. All I'm going to say is prove me wrong. If your adept and a skeptic then truly work through his system. If your not an armchair occultist and truly have the ability to do magick, then what do you have to loose?
Why you hate him?
Success begets jealousy. Sure his videos are outlandish at times and they are a marketing scheme to entice people into buying his products but what does that make him then? He's not a fluff. He's a magician who is also a businessman. He wanted to make a living with magick and I really think that's what really bothers most of you people who hate him. He succeeds in something you've failed at. The sad thing is he has given an open invitation to anyone who want's to debate him on his work and everyone who has a bad opinion of him wont step up and prove him wrong to the rest of the world. The truth is if you have herd him on any of his podcast videos you would know that he does in fact know something about magick and maybe what he's on to scares you. The other thing is he has broke magical application down into the most basic workable systems that anyone can use and enjoy. In result, this has lead to the notion of people canning the idea that tradition is essential for rites of evocation and other rituals. People in general are biased when it comes to tradition and simply don't like ideology that has the potential to change the core foundations of what their belief is built upon.
He isn't a Living God and I pity you for thinking that. Become a Living God is an idea and an aspect of the self that we should all strive for. If we are the masters and hold the keys to our own universe then wouldn't it make sense to strive for Godhood in all the aspects of our lives? It's just a thought.
The real deal or fluff