What's going on?

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What's going on?
Post # 1
Recently I've been drawn to Judaism, as if lead by something. Whenever I try to talk to my gods, Loki, Thor, and Fenrir, they all seem to want to test my worship. Loki even told me that he'd expect to see me turn back to God. Ever since I last spoke with them, I've been feeling drawn to Judaism and the Jewish culture. It seems as if the gods have given up on my worship of them, and are trying to push me away.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? Is it normal, or am I supposed to try and believe something I feel rejected from?
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Re: What's going on?
Post # 2
You are supposed to decide for yourself what you believe and how you go about it. I do not personally believe in any of the gods. This has happened to me but it was not gods/ goddesses it was everyone and everything around me trying to tell me what to believe. Once I decided to seek for myself, this was not an issue for me. Hope that helps. :-)
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Re: What's going on?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Personaly i dont think i would want to worship any god that was pushing me away. I just wanted to say that you do not have to be part of an organized religion to believe in god.
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Re: What's going on?
Post # 4
The gods aren't pushing you away ther keeping quite testing your faith in them.
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