Spiritual Blocks

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Spiritual Blocks
Post # 1
Hello Myst Here.

Lately I've not been able to connect with the gods and most of my simple good luck & protection incantations have not been working, i was wondering if i had a spiritual block or some sort of hex on me.
Would cleansing get rid of it or should i try something else?
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Re: Spiritual Blocks
Post # 2
I do not call them Gods and Goddesses but the ones that are called that sometimes require gifts from my understanding. I draw off Mother Earth and Brighid because I give back where ever and what ever they ask. Usually I care fore wildlife and the land and heal things where I can to appease them. Also cleansing can not hurt.
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Re: Spiritual Blocks
Post # 3
A purification could do as well, but a cleansing sounds like a very good idea. Maybe you can ask someone to do some of your incantations for you and see if it works. But if you've been hexed or cursed or anything, it probably won't do much. And good luck.
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