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Post # 1
I've just done my second meditation and I was wondering if it was normal to see images while meditating. I'm not sure if the images I saw were supposed to contain a message or not and I can't remember most of the images. Also, if it is normal to see images during meditation, what kinds of images to people normally see? Does it just depend on the person and the experience? I just started meditating two days ago and this is my second meditation, so I'm not used to this. Also, since I saw images, could I type up what I saw into dream interpreters and see if they can match anything? I've one on my phone and I know there's one on this website. Some if it, though, I'm not sure that would help with. I'd be grateful for any comments or anything.
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Re: Meditation
Post # 2
Yes it is normal to se images abd usally are to tell us something but it is up to us to interperet them but to remembering them for beginners is hard write or record in your own words what they look like right after meditation.
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Re: Meditation
Post # 3
Okay thank you. Yes I'm keeping a journal of my meditation experiences and I even drew some of the images I saw and remembered. I'm still not sure what it all means, but I did see some symbols I recognized and I know what it represents. Other than that, I'm not sure what message I'm supposed to get, but I'm guessing that with more meditation maybe I'll figure it out or if I see more images in my meditation, maybe I'll know a little bit about what they mean. Thank you.
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