Third eye

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Third eye
Post # 1
What's a third eye?
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Re: Third eye
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Other Spells Discussion.
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Re: Third eye
Post # 3
Third eye is a chakra point positioned on your forehead about 1cm above the line of eyebrows, its one of 7 control points for entire lets say system through which human energy circulates. It is especially important for those who wish to practice magic because it actually grants higher level of conscious control over our energies, as well as spiritual and spacial awareness, plus opening and gaining even superficial control over it has tendency of giving user some sort of "gift" if you will.
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Re: Third eye
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
Well, the third eye chakra is not the one governing higher conscious or awareness. Or altered conscious for that matter.
Also you need not bother fretting over "opening" your chakras. How do you open a door that's open?
And you don't necessarily need to worry about using your chakras for the sake of controlling energy and for spiritual/ethereal awareness. It's rather subjective. If chakra work is your thing, good for you. If it's not your bag, then good for you too. Many systems and practices that deal with energy, spirit, higher awareness and consciousness, etc., don't acknowledge the chakra system. And they get by just fine without it.
Point is, decide if it's what you want to do, study it, and work with your chakras equally and in harmony and balance, if you so choose to do so.
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Re: Third eye
By: / Novice
Post # 5
And another thing about chakras~they open/ close dependent on what
is happening in life. The scores will fluctuate depending on how
things are going. While not an over-all picture of who you are, they can be
useful in certain aspects of life. Checking them a few times a year is not
a bad idea.
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Re: Third eye
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
The "scores" of the chakra test are based upon how you answer the questions. You could take the test a few times, get a feel for what the answers mean, and score perfectly if you wished to without any spiritual growth whatsoever.

I find it alarming that these things are depended on.
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Re: Third eye
Post # 7
I believe we have a minor communication problem here you see my understanding of this subject came from my ninjutsu sensei(trainer)who is actually acknowledged as a shinto monk with deep understanding of not only shinto but also dao(tao) religion and practice(both spiritual/religious and magical). Either way according to him human chakras are not opened at least not fully.
Therefore a person must dedicate time and effort to actually open and understand them, as they each carry there own strengths and weaknesses, just like people in which they reside.
Of course it must also be mentioned that shinto as a religion is divided in so many sects that its ridiculous.
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Re: Third eye
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
Well let's put it this way. Each of the chakra points governs different parts of the body. Each chakra is a pool of energy. If the chakra is closed then it's not putting outany energy . Energy a vital essence in the functioning of the individual parts of the body. This would bode bad issues with the human body effective working, and sufficiently for that matter. Then on top of that, given that each chakra works together, one out of wack or closed chakra would put the rest out of wack. But since the chakras are already open, what has to actually be worried about is what is blocking the proper eb-and-flow of energy through the chakras and their interconnecting systems. These blockages consist of but are not limited to negative energy, negative or harmful thoughts and emotions. So what this means is that there is an impression of the chakras being closed - or more appropriately, partially-closed chakras. This lack in proper energy flow from blockages still puts the chakras out of balance with each other. So the goal here is to cleanse them of negativity. And then, if you will, follow a more Kundalini practice in the process.
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