Who knows what this is?

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Who knows what this is?
Post # 1
Since I was about 10 I've been seeing strange things mainly shadows I see them mpve talk, and even hide my stuff.... mainly sharp items like my knives (I cpllect vary of knives for the designs) It's been getting worse lately to the point I can talkto them and they'll respond... or if i'm crying they will hold me :/. A friend of mine says I have a special gift but doesn't know what its called. For the longest time I had this one weird figure follow me I just called him Daemon and he'd protect me. A old past friend broke my heart and I told him if he doesn't stop Daemon woll become angry and next thing I know the lights went out and he started screaming saying a black do with red eyes leaped on him. I still hear and see things but I ignore them. Should I keep ignoring them or try and communicate with them?
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Re: Who knows what this is?
Post # 2
Some forces do and don't like to be ignored. Some may try to hurt you for ignoring them (well not always harm they're just trying to get your attention and sometimes it goes too far) but protection isn't that hard to do. However some prefer to be ignored and just mind their own business. Once you've started communicating it's hard to go back but if you do you'll get to explore this ability you have.
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Re: Who knows what this is?
Post # 3
What if you didn't mean to ignore one of them and they ignore you or you cant see them anymore...? Is there anyway to bring them back?
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Re: Who knows what this is?
Post # 4
Well if one doesn't like to be ignored it acts the way anyone else would when its harder to communicate with someone and become frustrated. Now you can call back spirits through evocation. Summoning demons would be an example of evocation except its usually not as dramatic as Hollywood makes it.
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Re: Who knows what this is?
Post # 5
I figured as much... Hollywood makes thing too dramatic... But that's the thing I don't know how to do an evocation nor do I know what to use for it.

Any ideas on or how to?
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Re: Who knows what this is?
Post # 6
Evocation is something you should try to really understand before attempting and most information teaches for angels and demons but the methods can be applied to any spirit. There are many books on the subject. A good author would be EA Koetting because his teachings are easy to understand but you can also find some good free books online.
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Re: Who knows what this is?
Post # 7
Thank you so much
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