Magick or what

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Magick or what
Post # 1
Having meditated I have sensation in my arms dose that mean I may have magick if so what is my next step
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Re: Magick or what
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
People don't "have magick". It isn't a gift for only a select few. Anyone can use it as it is the use of natural energies of the universe, which can be directed by your will to aid in a goal you have. Nothing more. Getting a sensation in your arms from meditating could simply be your circulation being messed up from how you positioned them, gaining a new awakened concept of your body and how it feels, or just sensing part of your aura.
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Re: Magick or what
Post # 3
A sensation in your arms after meditating may be a pinched nerve from how you sit during meditation.
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Re: Magick or what
Post # 4
Well is there a spell I can try so I can see if I can cast or not and any tips will be very welcome
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Re: Magick or what
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
Anyone can cast a spell and have it work. However, you don't need to be testing out if you can without studying what magick is first. There is a lot that goes into magick. Its like how you wouldn't bake a loaf of bread without first knowing how to work an oven and understand the ingredients to use. Spell work is exactly the same way. You need to know how and why it works, color correspondences, the elements, casting circle, altar tools, and etc. One can just look up a spell online and perform it, but it won't work nearly as well as if you had read up on witchcraft basics before attempting it.
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Re: Magick or what
Post # 6
ok so I will learn as much as I can and just to let you know when I meditate it's not in the same position sometimes sitting up and other time I'm on my back so it can't be a trapped nerve all the time so I'll see the doc to see what else it might be
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Re: Magick or what
Post # 7
It definately sounds medical not magical.
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