Is Magic Real?

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Is Magic Real?
Post # 1
I'm new to magic, I came to this site because late one night I was getting a water bottle from my fridge. When I grab the water bottle, blue electricity flow around the water bottle and it froze solid. WHAT HAPPEN, PLEASE HELP?
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Re: Is Magic Real?
Post # 2

You were having a vivid daydream or hallucination most likely. This thing that you speak of is not real magic. Here are some links to help you get started on your journy here on this site, and of magic

The basics expanded
Chat rules, since many seem to forget
Som survival guide
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Re: Is Magic Real?
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
That kind of goes beyond what science would allow magickally. So, not possible. You could have had the fridge too cold though and you thought that occurred. However, no matter what, I'm gonna say lay off the movie Frozen. Powers like that are completely works of fiction. If they were real, more people would have them and science magazines would have articles on dealing with them.

However, if you are wanting to learn about real magick start off by reading from creditable sources. Magick is real but it is nothing like movies, books and video games. Otherwise after my many years in witchcraft, I wouldn't still be paying for gas but instead ride my broom to run errands in town. Talk about a non-fossil fuel powered vehicle. :)
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Re: Is Magic Real?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.
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Re: Is Magic Real?
Post # 5
Either you were hallucinating or someone pulled a really smart prank on ya.
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Re: Is Magic Real?
Post # 6
Oh I know this, I know this, when water is in a cold enough temperature and still liquid by shaking it or any sufficient movement would do I gues it freezes solid almost instantly
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Re: Is Magic Real?
Post # 7
p.s. Magic is real, but thats just not how it works
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Re: Is Magic Real?
Post # 8
p.s. (again) It only works in a closed container witha not shut enough lid, if its closed enough to keep it liquid inside, but to a level in which movement would open it, so opening it would also work
p.s. (for the last time) I used to do this as a child during the winter to freak aot my friends by shaking it so I forgot that it works because of the air so I wrote it first
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Re: Is Magic Real?
Post # 9
p.s. (again) It only works in a closed container witha not shut enough lid, if its closed enough to keep it liquid inside, but to a level in which movement would open it, so opening it would also work
p.s. (for the last time) I used to do this as a child during the winter to freak aot my friends by shaking it so I forgot that it works because of the air so I wrote it first
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Re: Is Magic Real?
Post # 10
Is anything real?
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