Really persistent thought

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Really persistent thought
Post # 1
This problem is really annoying . Randomly, sometimes my mind clings to negative thoughts and I just can't get them out of my mind . These thoughts vary from annoying to awkward, but most of times they are awkward. In fact, they really creep me out when they occur.
Why is this happening?
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Re: Really persistent thought
Post # 2

I used to go through the exact same thing. Here's how I minimized those awful thoughts:

  1. Do things that make yourself happy, boost your self esteem, ect
  2. Meditate on positive things and positive affermations
  3. Try to remove any negitave things in your life.

Good luck! Blessings

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Re: Really persistent thought
Post # 3

Try affirmations.

"I will not have these negative thoughts" or anything else that suits you.

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Re: Really persistent thought
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
Take control of your mind and change focus. Instead of trying to get rid of the negative thought, you are reinforcing it by showing it attention. Instead, use a mantra, song, or affirmation (like Zeus said) and focus on that instead. You can do them in your head, you do not need to say them out loud. Ignore the negative thoughts and show the positive thoughts attention. Create the positive ones and immerse yourself in them until the negative ones vanish. Even if they only vanish for an hour, consider it a victory. These things take time and conditioning. Your mind is like a muscle, and you need to strengthen it. You do not increase your physical strength with a few reps with a barbell and you won't increase control of your own thoughts in a week. Eventually you will notice the negative thoughts disappearing quickly and eventually, not occurring at all. It will take at the very least a few weeks, so be patient and diligent.
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