Online school

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Online school
By: / Novice
Post # 1
I want to go to e school to become a spiritual advisor. I want do it somewhere that offers financial aid. Ive heard of fasba, but i dont know if it covers that. I have a 20 year old student loan thats in default. I need a plan before wednesday when our computer gets hooked up.
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Re: Online school
Post # 2
So, what exactly are you asking? Are you asking for a spell? Or advice?

Have you done any research on what schools fit best to you on becoming a spiritual advisor?

I maybe wrong, but people do go to college to become pastors and they may have used their FASFA to help pay for the college. Especially since there may be a good chance of you taking courses like philosophy and such, FASFA ,may come in handy. Just really dig into information, find a school and find out how you will be able to pay for it, because you may find a school that you can pay out of pocket.
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Re: Online school
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I dont want to pay out of pocket. Not sure who i could call to find out if my defaulted loan and a new one could be combined. I heard pheonix offers that but my computer will be up wednesday. A pastor? Is that what a spiritual advisor does? Realy i want to do palm reading and mediumship as that is marketable i think.
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Re: Online school
Post # 4
Well, a pastor can be a spiritual advisor but a spiritual advisor does not have to be a pastor lol. I was just saying that there are christian colleges that people go to in order to become a pastor so it's definitely possible for you to do the same for your future. But, definitely do as much research with the courses at Phoenix then. You say your computer is going down, will you be able to get another one? If not, you may have to go to your town library if they have computer access. Also, do some research on how to become a spiritual advisor on the internet and if you attend Phoenix then I think they do accept FASFA, but can't promise.
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Re: Online school
Post # 5
Also, you may have to go to school to get a business degree since people who are in this sort of business have like their own shops whether it's in home or in store. If you can, maybe go to an occult shop and see if they may have tips for you and go to your local psychic (fake or real) just to see if you can get anymore info from them too. But, if you're not comfortable with that then definitely do not do it.
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Re: Online school
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Thanx for the tips. I know they will help. Youv'e given me alot to think about. So far so good. Just gotta remind myself to read between the lines as well and things should go pretty smoothly.
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Re: Online school
Post # 7
Definitely. Best wishes to you and blessed be!
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Re: Online school
By: / Novice
Post # 8
I been thinking about a restraunt/ readings and advice. The business courses would probably help. Its in my blood though. I come from a family with generations of small business owners and inventors. Craft stores, car lots, salons, wrecking yards, restaraunts, mechanic shops. My mom had been doing the books for years already before she finaly got her g.e.d at age 36.
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Re: Online school
By: / Novice
Post # 9
You seem to be all over the place. Stop, breathe, and focus for a minute. All those options sound cool, but from your responses I think you're going in without much thought beyond you're interested in the subject.

A restaurant is a good idea, to own one is a lovely dream, so research before getting financed. I have gone through culinary school, I have worked in many restaurants including those which just opened, high end, and low end, bars, cafes, fine dining, and greasey spoons. You are in for a lot of stress, long hours, and little pay. There's pluses and minuses to everything of course, but I wouldn't want you to spend thousands getting a degree, starting your business only to hate it one year later. Talk to people who work in that field, talk to your parents about book keeping, talk to a chef at a local culinary school or restaurant. If this feels right, go through school. After school, work in some kitchens, don't run out and buy your own place.

Same goes for spiritual advisor, psychic, or whatever else that catches your eye, learn before you act on impulse. You could have palm reading and whatever else as a side job for a few dollars, but don't expect to make enough money to support yourself on your divination or teaching alone.
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Re: Online school
By: / Novice
Post # 10
Thats very good advice Neko. I am almost 40 and a stay at home mom that would like to stay at home so your probably right. Combining the 2 is probably a dream. And i know the restraunt and metaphysical business is tough. Besides giving a great atmosphere i thought maybe they could pick up where the other left off money wise. I dont know if i would be interested in marrying people. I know others do it. I am however very interested in furthering my education in mediumship.
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