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Post # 1
Can anyone who knows information about spirits and their behavior mail me please.

I feel as if I have a spirit trying to contact me as there is unexplained knocking going on in my house. I honestly am clueless on what to do as it could mean nothing but it is bothering me and I think this is the best place to get help. Thanks to anyone that can help me.

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Re: Spirits
Post # 2

The behavior of a spirit varies depending on who they are. Some may be kind and some may be mean. If you8 want to get rid of the spirit, do a basic cleansing by lighting some sage inscense all around your house.

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Re: Spirits
By: / Novice
Post # 3
First you should rule out logical answers. Knocking could be a door in the wind, the house settling, the furnace, a tree branch.

Spirits are all different like people. Try speaking with it. Meditate and ask questions, you should hear a response. Since it makes noise, ask for it to knock once for yes and twice for no. If this doesn't work, skrying, pendulums, and automatic writing are some other options you could try. The spirit probably doesn't mean you harm, it just wants someone to talk to, or a place to stay for a bit.
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