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Post # 1
I have at least 3 or more coincidences happen to me daily. I will give some examples.
1. I died my hair to get rid of my Silvers...Later that night a friend said something about ravens on t.v.
The next day I got a text from another friend in the text it said "THERE IS A RAVEN LOOKING AT ME"different person who does not (supposedly talk to my "other friend")???
I have low blood sugar, I had gone a while without eating. (not to long) I was working out and I had a hypoglycemia seizure. My "friend" got sugar and shoved it down my throat. In a little bit of time I was okay.
About a week later, we where driving in the car together and I was holding my "friends" car. A text came thru and I was asked to look at the text. When I opened it, it was a relative who sent a video clip from a movie called "THIS IS THE END" the part of the video clip was a man laying on the ground having a hypoglycemia seizure. I was told and promised up and down that no one knew no one was ever told!
I could go on for days and go back 10years of these sort of Coincidences.

It's gotten to the point where I don't know what to think anymore.
Does anyone have these sort of things happen, to them? What should I make out of things. If anyone has advice or wants to hear more, I'm more then happy to be open. I have books upon books and could type for weeks. LOL

Blessings to All & HAPPY 4th of Rainy July ;)

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Re: Coincidence
Post # 2
ravens are often symbolized as a sign of death, your hypoglycemia seizure might me a sign of bad health, and the end, it is probably some spirit following you pulling strings and messing with your life, or bad luck spawned by something horrible that makes it very horrible and life threatening, if it gets worse, try using a ward or luck spell
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Re: Coincidence
Post # 3

Maybe that person is messing with you? It could be stress. Anyways you should try to maybe do a cleansing? Or a herbal bath to relax.

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Re: Coincidence
Post # 4
I would say random events, your brain just likes to piece things together and yield a feeling of significance for the events in your life.
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Re: Coincidence
Post # 5
Whatever it is, I hope enjoys. I love the challenge! I have a lot of family watching over me to make sure that I'm always following natures rules.
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Re: Coincidence
Post # 6
Ravens are among the smartest of birds. They have been able to solve the the most complicated problems invented. Even scientists can't figure them out.
I do a lot of walking in cemeteries at least 5 times a week. symbol that death meaning has always made me laugh. They are pestilence and battle. They would fly over battle waiting to eat. They are also know for having a special taste for bodies of criminals and loved plucking their eyes out. There is much more to Ravens. Then people know. They have been able to over come and deal with many changes in the world.
I personally think they work with the dead. Helping them pass thru.
a lot of people thru my life time thought I worshiped the devil because I was pagan. paganism has nothing to do with the devil.
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Re: Coincidence
Post # 7
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Re: Coincidence
Post # 8
@ Sim, I would have to agree :) I need to relax more. Only time will tell what all this means.
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