What real magick is.

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What real magick is.
By: / Novice
Post # 1
Greetings everyone. Today, I would like to discuss with you what real magic is. Magick is essentially the ability to cause change in accordance with your will. That is my definition of magick. Magick requires absolute belief. If you do not fully believe a spell will work, most likely it wont. Magick isn't like how you see it in harry potter. You won't be able to cause things to levitate, you will not be able to fly, nor will you be able to transform into a different being altogether, such as a werewolf, vampire, mermaid, etc. That is simply not possible, just Hollywood nonsense. Now changing your astral form, that's a different story which I will save for another time. You will not be able to control the elements either. That is the job gods/the universe/the guardians of the four watchtowers. You can however invoke them if you need additional power for a spell. If you do invoke them, make sure to give thanks to them, and make sure to properly dismiss them. Lastly, magick doesn't have a color. There is no such thing as black or white magick. Magick is simply magick, it just depends on the way you use it and what your intent is.
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Re: What real magick is.
By: / Novice
Post # 2
You also cannot change your appearance with magick either, such as your eyes, your skin color, etc.
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Re: What real magick is.
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Time travel and teleportation isn't possible through magic either. You cannot travel backwards or forwards through time, or teleport to a different place. You can in a way travel to a different place by way of astral projection.
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Re: What real magick is.
Post # 4
I think we all have that one friend that constantly asks if you'll teleport with them to Scotland for a week.

Wait, I'm alone there?
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Re: What real magick is.
Post # 5
Norse, I've heard worse, teleport to Norway for two weeks
(No joke)
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Re: What real magick is.
Post # 6
That sounds horrible
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