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Post # 1
My family runs a couple of small businesses that is located on a small shopping strip we own...about 2 weeks ago a man approached my father and said someone had put "something" on the property. My dad was freaked out this man asked my dad to walk the property and for whatever reason my dad did..this man said he was going to bless the place cast out whatever was there..this totally out of character of my dad since he doesn't not believe in stuff like this..this man advised my dad to light a fire with ammonia/ alcohol/ salt (something along those lines) and curse out whatever was then, my father did what this man told him to do.since this has happened things have gotten bad for business. We have a family friend that approached my brother and pretty much said that the man that went to my father used my father because he's naive. Our employees have found dead snakes, rats, and tarantulas the size of there hands in the two rooms of the shopping strip then went in. Could this person have done something to our land to make our businesses suffer. From one one week to the other it just got bad and being Hispanic I do believe in people being able to do stuff like this to other people.
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Re: Help
By: / Novice
Post # 2
It does sound like the man was hoaxing you with the curse. He might of cursed the land, but it could be timing. It's summer, people go on vacation, one week its busy, the next its dead. [I know the feeling I work with the public] and depending on the region and weather animals found in storage rooms are not uncommon.

If you feel somethings wrong there's a few things you can try, burning sage can cleanse the energy in a building. Making a charm to attract customers/money is a good idea. Hang it by the door, or on/in the register.
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