uncrossing candles

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uncrossing candles
Post # 1
i bought a pair of uncrossing condition candles.
they appear to be orange ritual size candles which black wax has been dribbled onto.
one to be burned tuesday and one to be burned thursday.
and so I have.
the question here is, should i dribble black wax on my own orange ritual candles and make uncrossing candles myself, which i then consecrate to purpose for that intent?
i am waiting for the uncrossing with the two i purchased to take place now.
i woder that if these two will work, will the ones i create to imulate them wok just as well.
opinions are wanted.
i know that we do not know for certain.
what are your thoughts though?
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Re: uncrossing candles
Post # 2

It depends. First of all, I would never drip wax anywhere, unless you are working on a non-flammable surface.

That said, I believe that candles you consecrate for a specific purpose work best. If its easier, go and buy uncrossing candles and reconsecrate them for your particular situation.

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