Time of day: Approx. 4 am
The Main Tragedy of my life: So basically I was born from a tragedy. My mother died of a brain aneurysm 3 weeks before I was suppose to be born. After 6 hours on life support I was born through a C-section. My mother died on the platform between the two sets of stair in the house I am living in. My sister, who was 3 at the time, was the only one that saw her fall and died.
About my house: A good handfull of my friends feel some presences in my house. They tell me that they feel a "good" and a "bad" presence. They have told me that they felt someone was there to protect, they said they feel the "good" presence everywhere, especially around me. They assume it to be my mother, but I don't assume it to because I dont feel any "good" presence. I only feel the negative presence. I feel it normally at night either downstairs or in my sister's old bedroom. I feel like something is watching me from the shadows, I feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Like I am not welcome. Now when I asked my friends where they feel the negative they tell me downstairs and in my sister's old room. A couple days ago my friends and I were talking about this ( it was was first time all of us were together at once). I asked them "where downstairs do you feel the negative?" All 3 of the agreed the they felt it watching them from the platform between the 2 sets of stairs. The same platform where my mother died. Now they knew my mother died, but they never knew where she died. So needless to say after I told them that was where she died they were a little creeper out. There have been an incident where I have seen a back of a black cape figure go up the 2nd set of stairs when I was standing at the bottom when I was home alone.
I feel the safer in my bedroom with the door shut and the light on.
The event that happened this morning: It's around 4 am I was reading about astral projection. I was reading Solitary Witch.
The inteructions they gave to astral projection were :
1. Lay somewhere comfortable
2. Take 3 breath ( through the nose out your mouth)
3. Think about being surround by pure/white
4. Focus on your third eye and when you are focused and relaX your astral body can start to climb out of you physical body from your third eye.
They say some people might get the feeling that they are floating.
Attempt 1: I had my bedside liget on. I got to the point where I did feel like I was floating. It was an awesome feeling. However, my body was doing little jerking movements. It felt like like I wasent in control of my body. It felt like my mind or something wanted to get up or move but my body or something didn't.
Attempt 2: The light was still on. This time there was no floating feeling. My eyes were closed. However it kept feeling like my eyes were opening and widening. I literally thought my eyes were open but I couldn't see anything. It was pure white. I broke my relation by reaching my hand to touch my eye to see if they were open. Which they weren't.
Attempt 3: I turned the light off. So I was in complete darkness. Basically the same thing with attempt happen. However this I broke my relation because I felt an irritation in my foot. A couple seconds after I open my eyes and knew I was in my body. I saw a face go across my room. It was very quick and it made me feel like I should leave my room which was the only place i felt safe in my house at night. I dont really know if what i saw was actually there or if it was in my mind. Either way it felt real to me. After the face disappeared i turned the light on. The irritation in my foot was still there however it turned into a burn sensation for a couple seconds then stopped completely.
That was around 4 am, the sun is now up and I feel safe to go to bed.
What I want to know:
1. Do you believe the "good" presence is my mother and is she protecting me?
2. Why do you think the negative presence likes to hang around where my mother died and why does it spend anytime in my sister's old room?
3. Now I don't really know if I did do astral projection correct. Like I don't know if it worked or if I came close to it working. What has been your experience with it, if you have any?
4. Does astral projection allow you to see the spirits or entities that wonder your house or do you just see them when you are on the astral plane? Because if it does allow you to see what wonders your house, I really feel like the face I saw was the negative presence.
Anyways I got to go to bed now. Please leave your honest opinions.
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