Thoughts on love spells

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Thoughts on love spells
Post # 1
I've always said that "love" spells are dark magick because they take free will away from the person they are cast upon. But I see love magick here and in other places viewed as good or white magick because.. LOVE! and such. I was just wondering what others thought on the subject.

Keep in mind, I'm not talking about spells/talismans/rituals/etc that enhance feelings already there or help get one over shyness.
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Re: Thoughts on love spells
By: / Novice
Post # 2
There is so much variety in this.

One spell to take another's will so you get what you want.

Another to remove obstacles in the path of two people who really deserve each other and deserve to be together.

A spell for confidence to talk to that one person you really want to know better.

A spell to bless something special two people share.

A spell for love of ones child, or nephew or niece, or parent or grandparent

A spell to prepare one self to give everything they have for the sake of another person

A spell to take everything from another person for no other reason than desire

A spell to help each person give all of themselves to one another.

If you believe in real love then you believe in real giving,complete giving of ones self to another, its not a selfish thing.

If you think that all a love spell is about is forcing anothers will...I would say that it can be so much exists in so many ways and shapes and is as individual as each person who has ever lived and is alive today!

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Re: Thoughts on love spells
By: / Novice
Post # 3
its a personal thing. most people join SoM or pagan paths for the sole purpose of love spells. as a result most people think 'it's love. love is good, i'm not physically harming the person.' they don't go past the physical. mentally and emotionally you have a hold on this person, you are fulfilling your desire by impairing theirs. they may seem happy, and might feel happy, but they are not truly happy. a love spell is an illusion, like you hypnotised the person. you cannot trust this form of love.

spells to attract more love into your life, or get someone who already loves you to ask you out is another matter, you are not forcing your will over their will, you are either asking the universe for help or a nudge in the right direction.

this is all personal views and opinions however, some could probably argue curses are necessary. it's all personal morality.
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Re: Thoughts on love spells
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Yea, ... im a sap : )

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Re: Thoughts on love spel
By: / Novice
Post # 5
What feels like love is not done as love when you remove the power from another person and impose your own. The other person has the power to ignore you. The other person has the power to reject you. The other person has the right to feel however they won't feel about you.

Magic is a powerplay, and love makes no room for that even if love is supposed to be the most "powerful" force in the universe. Love is powerful because it's a combination-harmony of individual powers, not a domination of one power over the other or all the others.
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Re: Thoughts on love spells
Post # 6
Good thoughts, thank you both. I'm dividing it into 2 categories, help/enhancement and illusion/forced. Or,as Thor put it:

"One spell to take another's will so you get what you want.

Another to remove obstacles in the path of two people who really deserve each other and deserve to be together."

But I agree with you, Nekoshema, creating the illusion of love is not really creating love. That's why I see it as dark magick.
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Re: Thoughts on love spells
Post # 7
To me love spell that make someone love is not good, but love spell that brings a person who interested into what you like, that good to me.

Me and my boyfriend use Yantra love pendant.
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