Okay, recently I have been talking and researching about malevolent paranormal incidents, and their increase over the past twenty to thirty years. An idea I have been thinking heavily about is applying Runic knowledge to protect those who are falling victim to this increase. I guess my big inquiry is if anyone else has wondered if their spiritual beliefs and endeavors could be used this way, anonymously of course.
I suppose it's just something you do. Like, if you are (born or have grown) sensitive to those happenings, and can do something about it, then you can't...not pick something up that crashes down at your feet, you know? In whatever way--runes, energyworking, astral projection, whatever.
Thanks for the insight, Aeon. I guess another part of what I am asking is if anyone ever thought of how they could do this, and what they would do to accomplish this. For example, I think if an area feels like it has a chance of being aggressive I tend to attempt to inconspicuously attempt shaping sighel, as it is a counter to all dark forces. I even attempt this in some of my darker nightmares. Guess I am looking for similar and varied examples from others.
Although I am still learning about them, runes can be used in many ways, including hanging in your home for protection. Thurisaz written on the forehead (olive oil os similar) helps with depression. Sure, you can use runes for sigil protection. BB
The Aegishjalmur is another good protection rune, too.
I'm also a fan of "gridding" crystals. Like, each forms an anchor of a point and then the magician makes lines between them. The energies mix or otherwise conduct themselves together, and the space is protected. I've even read of laying a crystal grid upon a rune or sigil to charge it. The practitioner described it as "it practically blew my face off with power...so I count this as a success".
While I started off with "inner alchemy", I'm trying to use those same principles to see how to turn ambient base matter, or Miasma perhaps, into something neutral or more positive and better for the space...outer, sort of...energetic alchemy. Still developing that.
Of course, there's also the classic, "If my deities care about me, then they'll care about who/what I care about right?" and just straight-out praying or making altar offerings for some good thing to happen, peace in the world, protection and good luck for so-and-so who's having a hard time...or even guidance on what one can practically do.
Well, not really just protection. I guess another example I am meaning is my sister had this friend who had problems with a malevolent presence. I did a bit of a ritual to craft a bind rune talisman. Upon its arrival to my sister's friends house, the presence went dormant for a very long time, and only when some of the family there had taking up drinking and fighting and other invitations to the negative did it start back up again. I guess knowing that every being of energy (living or not) lives in a constant flux of give and take with energy, I think its possible that with the energy I put in, and the intent I put into the runes, maybe it ripped out a lot of the energy the presence had acquired for awhile and forced it to start from scratch. So I want to know if anyone has tried anything similar to this effect, and how they went about it.