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Post # 1
1)can you use anything as a wand?
2)how do you enchant it with energy?
3)if someone else wields it besides you can they also use it?
4)Is it necessary to have a wand?
5) what benefits do having a wand bring?
YES I AM NEW TO THIS SITE AND MAGIC!! so plz no rude remarks
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Re: Wand
Post # 2
Welcome, Leru! IMO:
1.) Any stick-like thing, sure.
2.) I just take any stick and use it until it starts feeling personalized, but some practitioners are particular about the material it's made out of, and then they carve magic symbols on it, and dedicate it to an element, planet, or deity, then name it something that gives it a specific purpose/power...
3.) As long as they ask first, I don't have a problem-- and unless they're very sensitive to personal energy or tradition, neither do they.
4.) I don't think so, but it's nifty...
5.) ... you can better focus your power. You feel like a magician, I think is the main thing, but a wand can also have its own energy.
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Re: Wand
Post # 3
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