11 11

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11 11
Post # 1
So almost on a daily bases i look at a clock and it most always says 11:11. I saw a wish spell using this time but Im not sure what it means. Any insite would b helpful.
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Re: 11 11
Post # 2
I'm sorry, I have to ask, do you mostly only look at the clock twice a day?

Seriously though, you are right. Some people make a wish if the see the clock at 11:11. There's no spell, it's like blowing out your birthday candles; you just make a wish.

There are some that think that it's a sign of spiritual awakening and that see it these number repeatedly (not just on a clock) means that you are "waking up."

That said, it could also mean you have a VERY good internal clock. If I tell myself I must be up at 6:03, I wake up at 6:03 on the dot. If you've noticed 11:11 and are subconsciously looking for it, your clock may be pushing you to look at the clock on the wall at this time, just like my clock wakes me up.

Keep in mind that the ancients didn't have digital clocks. The idea of 11:11 is very new age, emphasis on the "new." That doesn't mean it's wrong, but you have to feel it out to see for yourself - are you becoming more in tune with the spiritual or are you just good at guessing the time?
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Re: 11 11
Post # 3
Lol. Got a chuckle out of ur post. I dont think about it just look and yes i see it other places. I do feel spiritualy in tune but have a Long way to go and learn. Thank you for your insight.
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Re: 11 11
Post # 4
not a problem, best of luck to you :)
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