Meditation facilitator

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Meditation facilitator
Post # 1
It's important to reach a certain degree of a trance while doing a working, or else the ritual will not penetrate through to your subconscious which is where magick is.

So a simple way to get you there faster is a pranayama (breathe technique) which in this the breathe is called breathe of fire! And sadly no we won't be breathing actual fire out :(

To do breathe of fire
1st you might wanna be alone cuz the breathe gives an awkward sound to those who don't know what you're doing.
2 Relax in any comfortable position
3 Now just breathe fast through your nostrils while pumping your navel in and out, and no not moderately or softly it's done FAST.
(Watch it on youtube if you need help, and learn to breathe correctly to do this!)
Benefits: It causes your brain to male alpha brain waves which is what you need for magic. It does much much more and health benefits. To name a few 5-15 minutes purifies blood which means it c clear acne! Stimulates your 3rd chakra and increases physical endurance.

Precautions: common sense if you have breathing problems, get a teacher to help or do research for special precautions. I heard you shouldn't do it while on your period and if you feel dizzy stop. Slowly work your way into this, it's benefits are worth it

Blessed be!
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