Honouring the Gods

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Honouring the Gods
Post # 1
For centuries, people have honoured those who they respect and place above themselves. This could be their ancestors, a spirit animal, or a God. They would honour them with alcohol that they like, food, or even blood.
Honouring the God (s) is something that continued through the Christian era by being a part of Christianity. Lambs would be sacrificed and blood would be given. I personally am glad the Christians adopted this as their own because if the Christians didn't like something, it was often destroyed.
Now to you! How do you honour your god/dess or you spirit? Do you offer alcohol? Blood perhaps? Do tell.
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Re: Honouring the Gods
Post # 2
I have three altars and they're dedicated to Loki, Freyr, and Hela. I give Loki and Freyr normal offerings of what they like. Loki will take any kind of food as an offering while Freyr likes homegrown fruits and vegetables and naturally slaughtered animals. As for Hela, she cares very little for food so once in awhile I will giver a peice of bread and some tea.
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Re: Honouring the Gods
Post # 3
It depends on the occasion. Sometimes wine others food.
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