Therianthropy is a spiritual practice found in many different traditions worldwide, and some revivalists identify with the wolf. That's as real, I think, as you're going to get.
Without hallucinogenic drugs, I mean. That's a spell in a traditional grimoire, involving kneeling in concentric circles and reciting chants that would only have rhymed in old English--I don't think that ritual works to the standards that modern people would expect them to.
If you're looking for therian Otherkin, these here parts ain't so friendly because too many people hear about Otherkin and go, "Cool I am that now because it's cool." Which is really dishonest.
werewolves in the mythological sense, i refer you to Brysings comment.
there are people who claim to be otherkin, which i believe is an animal spirit or astral being inside a totally normal human body. only in the spiritual sense are they werewolves, not in the physically change under a full moon sense.
as for the origin, there are several theories, but the main reason for people to think half human half wolf is due to a condition known as hypotrichosis [see Jojo the dog-faced boy] in which extra hair grows all over the body in thick layers. in the milder terms its extra hair on the arms, legs and torso, but in more sever cases the face, hands and feet can be covered in a thick layer of hair making a person appear to be a werewolf.
and as always, no spell, bite, chant, potion, lotion, wolf skin, or any other method can change you into a physical werewolf. you are human, nothing will ever change this. you may pretend, even go in for surgery, but your genetic makeup will forever be human.
Thanks, Neko! I'm afraid I am getting old, and easily lose patience with the continual asking how to become a werewolf,mermaid,butterfly, vampire.I know they are mostly children having fun. But I often think of the late W.C.Fields when he was asked if he liked children. He said,
"It depends on how they are cooked!".
There are times when I feel inclined to agree with him!
Werewolves are fictional creatures that resulted from the medieval misunderstanding of a couple of medical conditions including hirsutism and rabies. There are no humans who can turn into a wolf physically and at will.