Require Assisstance

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Require Assisstance
Post # 1
I turned off all the lights I could (with the exception of my iPhone charger with blinks different colors but unnoticeable with my eyes closed). I started by chanting for the earth's core to bring me to her/him by astral projection and started to feel myself being pulled downward towards the core. Soon i felt the already darkness of my closed eyes being darker (signifying someone or something taller than me (I was laying down so...) looming over me) I opened my eyes and felt the presence of a tall thin man nreaching his right hand towards my face and I couldn't move because it was miracle I could open my eyes during this astral projection process, I concentrated harder and felt more people standing next to it in a line and atleast one female. I was wondering if anyone can help me interpret this?
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Re: Require Assisstance
By: / Novice
Post # 2
If you feel that it was not evil, then maybe explore it more? The only thing I can offer is the sleep paralysis phenomenon, and I consider that a liminal time that opens up a LOT of possibilities so sorry I cannot be specific to your experience or your path. Only you can follow this through to a satisfactory conclusion, because it is your experience.
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Re: Require Assisstance
Post # 3
Thank you for the quick reply, I'm currently unsure on how i stand on this :(
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Re: Require Assisstance
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Then just let it happen, make observations. It's fine! (It's what I think all people who dabble in this stuff have to go through.)
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Re: Require Assisstance
Post # 5
I was wondering what other feelings did you experience when this happened? Did you feel an all consuming love and complete peacefullnes and happiness? If so you may have been contacted by the devine entities ourhigher power's so to speak and did they give you a message or vision about your purpose in this world?
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Re: Require Assisstance
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
"started by chanting for the earth's core to bring me to her/him by astral projection and started to feel myself being pulled downward towards the core"

I think it's quite obvious. You called to something very vaguely that you know nothing about, and gave them permission to drag your consciousness (and part of your energy/spirit) to them.

Not smart. I have no idea what or who they were. Since it was down, it could be a number of beings. It could be figurative, as in the lower worlds or infernal, or spirits of whatever our core is made of. Science can only guess and doesn't know for sure what is down there. Recently they found rocks that were made from water. It's scientifically mind boggling but is making some believe that there is a single very huge mass of water that is under our earths crust. They just figured this out in July of this year! Water, as we all know, is life sustaining and the oceans are yet to be entirely explored. So there is still a lot of mystery to our planet and who knows what more we may learn in the coming years.

Please refrain from asking vague and unknown beings to do things for you. By appealing to the earth's core as an individual you are asking for something with intelligence. But you gave no name, no description, and I'm sure you didn't put any thought into what the earth's core could be associated with. So it was an open ended request that was about as safe as hitchhiking and letting a random stranger drive away with you.

I'll look at just one fine example. Good old Greeks. The deepest depths of the earth was Tartarus, a prison for dangerous beings and the worst of the worst. It's said that the distance from the heavens to earth was the same distance (down) as Hades to Tartarus. The distance of the earth's surface to its exosphere is in accord with the distance from its surface to its core. It isn't exact, but if Tartarus is the core, the "heavens" are located in the middle of our exosphere. Coincidence? Perhaps. But it's something to consider when asking for parts of our world to do things for us. What do they get out of it? Did you offer something for the service up front? I can guess why beings of Tartarus would be more than willing to oblige without a price already laid out.
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