Sudden Sickness

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Sudden Sickness
Post # 1
So, I just got out of the shower maybe not even half an hour ago. I took a really hot shower, which would have cleared my sinuses, but now my nose is so stuffed up I can't breathe out it and I can't clear it. While I'm about to go get a decongestant, I just wanted to see some opinions. I had no signs of sickness before my shower and it didn't even start building until a good five ten minutes after my shower. Now, I barely slept last night, it was 91 degrees out and I've been wearing a hoodie for the past week, I recently did a spell a few days ago, and I've done three or four cleansings in the past week. Also, I've been working on making tarot cards since last night and even though I'm just cutting out blanks right now, I'm putting a lot of thought and energy into it. Could this be energy related, magick related, or totally mundane? I rarely get sick and it's never this sudden. Could I just need sleep and a decongestant? Could my energy be affected? Is it I'm just putting a lot into my work so my body can't fend properly against ailments such as this?
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Re: Sudden Sickness
Post # 2
Also, I started having a head ache more than an hour before hand and it still hasn't gone away. Just a note.
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Re: Sudden Sickness
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
It's hay fever season. Even I am suffering from sinus irritation. It's happening especially now because farmers are mowing down their crops after their last harvest, sending all that lovely pollen flying into the air, even the rogue ragweed that was hiding between the corn stalks. So now until winter will be fun for allergy sufferers. Just because you may not have experienced it before, doesn't mean you can't develop an allergy. They can occur at any time in your life. Besides antihistamines, there is very little you can do about it except for keeping your fluids up and incorporating food like garlic into your diet.
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Re: Sudden Sickness
Post # 4
Okay thank you. That does make sense. I'm in area where I haven't been in during this particular season for nine years. So it may just be the enviroment. Thanks. I took a decongestant and I'm usually good about staying hydrated.
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Re: Sudden Sickness
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
I live one block away from a corn field and have only lived here for one full season cycle, so I feel your pain! The allergies are miserable. But the scenery is pretty? Silver lining. :D
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Re: Sudden Sickness
Post # 6
Where there's a farm not even a mile away from my house where they grow corn, strawberries, onions, and Christmas trees. But the strawberries there are the best I've had so far. Well, during the season for strawberries.
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Re: Sudden Sickness
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Hope you feel better. I'm one of those lucky people who has no allergies.

Try boiling water and salt. Take a bowl, salt, water, and a towel. Place salt in the bowl and pour boiling water into the bowl, put your head over the bowl with the towel covering your head and bowl and breath through your nose. This will be hot, and make you cough, but it will clear everything out [also great for your pores] try for a couple minutes but the first couple times won't be fun. You might want to have a glass of cold water nearby when you're done.
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Re: Sudden Sickness
Post # 8
Okay thank you but I'm already better. I'll try this next time I feel sick.
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