Lunar Eclipse throw off

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Lunar Eclipse throw off
Post # 1
I'm somewhat a newby. I just lit a black reversal candle tonight but learned there will be a lunar eclipse later. What should I do? I don't normally do bad spells but I have a mother who I've just recently found out has been trying to ruin my life most of my life. She is trying to prevent me from having any effective or productive changes to occur in my life. My life is at a crucial point and thats why I did the black reversal. Will the lunar eclipse be a problem?
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Re: Lunar Eclipse throw off
Post # 2
I don't know how the eclipse will affect the spell, but you could try a warding or shielding or binding spell. Maybe a banish spell could help fix your problems? I wouldn't put a curse on her or anything though, in case you're thinking about that. Also, try to stay away from her, though I'm assuming you're already doing that. You could also try a restraining order if you can.
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Re: Lunar Eclipse throw off
Post # 3

You know with things like these. Magick should never ever be used. If you have problems with your mother. You need to try and talk to her. And if that doesnt work you need to talk your other family members or a friend for help. Dont ever use magick that can cause harm. That will just make things worse for you.

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Re: Lunar Eclipse throw off
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
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