Clean Space & Negativity

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Clean Space & Negativity
Post # 1
Okay, so both Silver RavenWolf and psychology say that having a messy, dirty, or cluttered space, area, or room allows negativty to build or take root or whatever. Silver RavenWolf in her Teen Witch novel says negative energy can build up in a messy room and psychology studies show that messy, dirty, and cluttered spaces can feed things like depression. What do you guys think about this? I know some people tend to say that Silver RavenWolf is unreliable and I do agree that some of the things she writes aren't too reliable (she is a popular author, not a classical one or whatever), but some of her information is quite useful and corresponds with that of other authors and web pages. But that's bedsides the point.
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Re: Clean Space & Negativity
Post # 2
Yes it does, messyness is normal however is it healthy? That's up to you. However I kinda agree with what you said.
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Re: Clean Space & Negativity
Post # 3
l also have ever read sliver ravenwolf, however she is good but she has opinions. She is right in a way. It can clog energy, make messy and unhealthy build up, and overall is not very paganishy
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Re: Clean Space & Negativity
Post # 4
Paganishy? Lol you almost make it sound like we're clean freaks. But this means pagans are normally organized then? Or at least try to be.
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Re: Clean Space & Negativity
Post # 5

I have noticed in my personal experience that my room reflects how things are going for me and that giving my room a good cleaning I can clear some blockages in my way. Cleanliness both of the physical kind and the energy kind are a necessity. Floor washes and personal baths are used to regularly help people balance out and help keep clean of negative build up. Allowing the enrgies of the world to continue flowing through us well and allowing us to manifest our desired reality. Hope that amde sense.

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Re: Clean Space & Negativity
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

Cleanliness is next to godliness. The energy of a space is directly linked to the items within the space. Dust is a combination of dead skin cells, mold spores, dirt, pollen, fibers, and germs. Even if a space is clutter free it may have negative energy building up from the lack of dust removal. Cleansing rids the space of the negative energy and physical residue. There are washes the contain essential oils to help one cleanse as they clean. The most common are citrus or pine scented. This is why many cleaners have these scent even though they are not made with the essential oils. Something to keep an eye out for when purchasing. If you want to add extra energy to the cleansing wash that is fine too. Patchouli is a love herb and when added to a wash increase love energy within the space.

As to Silver Ravenwolf I suggest finding a better resource. She may hit some truths however a lot is useless.

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