Chakra, Meditate, Ground

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Chakra, Meditate, Ground
Post # 1
Chakra activity Oct 6, 2014
Root: under active (-6%)
Sacral: open (38%)
Naval: open (12%)
Heart: open (44%)
Throat: over active (75%)
Third eye: under active (0%)
Crown: under active (0%)

The above information will be relevant, I assure you.

Anyways, I did some meditation today to calm myself, get back into meditating, and clear my mind. This is right after I did a cleansing and added some new things to my altar. I did a lot of chakra meditation after to open and balance my chakras and plan to use the rest of the week to focus on my root chakra. After I finished focusing on my chakras, I uses a shamanic way to ground (I'm Wiccan and the page I found it on said it was a shamanic technique). While I was grounding, my head began to feel fuzzy and when I say back down after (I stood up for it) my legs felt weak. After this, I did some meditation to calm myself again, but now my head hurts. Keeping in mind that all I've had today is coffee with sugar, milk, creamer, and cocoa, half a mug of green tea with lime and honey, and a small handful of cheez its. Is this normal? I also don't ground myself as often as I should, but I am going to try to make a habit out of that. I would like thoughts, feedback, maybe even stories, and definitely tips. I am now off to go eat something by the way.
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Re: Chakra, Meditate, Gro
By: / Novice
Post # 2
all I've had today is coffee with sugar, milk, creamer, and cocoa, half a mug of green tea with lime and honey, and a small handful of cheez its. Is this normal?

No. That is not normal sustenance.

But what is normal is a person feeling sick and dizzy if that's they've have, whether they're doing magic or not!

Grounding isn't just a meditation or a mindset. It's a lifestyle, and proper healthy nourishment is a huge part of that.
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Re: Chakra, Meditate, Ground
Post # 3
Okay, thank you Aeons_Wing. I wasn't asking about my food (I normally eat a lot first thing in the morning and I've been up since eight) I was only asking about the fuzziness. But thank you. I've now eaten two eggs with cheese on top and one of them had a twin yolk, just so you know. I'm hoping to be more grounded over all and I'm hoping that by opening my chakras and grounding will help with this. Thank you.
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Re: Chakra, Meditate, Gro
By: / Novice
Post # 4
If you're not vegetarian, then some meats can also have a grounding effect.

There are such things as moving meditation, like yoga or tai chi, and I've actually found that those can work with everything you do: mindful walking, mindful eating, mindful dishwashing, just pay attention to how you feel when you're doing it, the experience of daily life. That's also another way of grounding.
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Re: Chakra, Meditate, Ground
Post # 5
Thank you, I'll make a note of that. And seeing as I just had some eggs I'm obviously not a vegetarian XD
But thank you for your tips and help. I've seen some of your posts in the forum and you always seem so helpful and such. Thank you.
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Re: Chakra, Meditate, Gro
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Glad I could help!

(Just wasn't sure if you weren't one of those ovo-lacto... pescatarians that still somehow count as vegetarian.)

But yes, grounding isn't only about connecting with the earth on a metaphysical level. It's also about accepting the physical and material world. It could also be about getting back in touch with your instincts, or processing instinct-level fears instead of ignoring/repressing them.
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Re: Chakra, Meditate, Ground
Post # 7
Thank you. I'm a little materialistic as it is and I try not to be TOO materialistic. But I do love the earth and would like to be more connected. Honing my instincts and such seems like a good idea, for I've not much of a sense of my natural instincts, though sometimes I feel it, like when I choose crystals.
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