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Post # 1
Hello. I've known that I was an empath for quite a while now and it has a positive and slightly negative effect on my everyday life. I become very moody in crowds/highly populated areas. Since school started I've become unusually depressed, angry, moody, ect. even though I enjoy school very much. Does any fellow empath know how to separate others emotions from your own? Thank you and blessed be.
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Re: Empathy
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

I am no empath, but it doesn't take one to recognize a case where shielding would greatly benefit you.

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Re: Empathy
Post # 3
Thank you very much. I will look into it.
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Re: Empathy
Post # 4
I believe thAt I am an empath. How did u know for sure? Ik I have had several experiences where I feel a rush of pain and sickness. Later that day I found that my girlfriend had been throwing up. I have had my wrist throb to find that my friend broke his. Would you say I'm an empath?
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