do u have the answer?

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do u have the answer?
Post # 1
I joined a meditation weekend group. I went four times and felt enlightened every time. I was always told I was glowing from my innocence. The last weekend I was sitting in the meditation circle. The leader put the bell and I felt weird and didn't contribute my feelings and passed. It was sent it again and I passed again. I saw disturbing face and felt unsafe... I realized as I left that I was involved with a group that wasn't honest about what they were. I don't understand why? Why not tell me? Why did I feel in danger.... especially I ally by 3 people I had not met??? The talk was a lot about devouring our food and being wise. I thought that was about eating green. At this point, they are in my head and wanting me back. I have no idea what to do other than avoid and say no. That is following my gut! I would like to know what coven they are, if it is danger I should feel, why me..
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Re: do u have the answer?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Nothing on your profile! However, I'll try. What you are describing is a Yoga group. Meditation should be a very personal practise. Do it in a group and you will get the thoughts of others coming into yours! Meditate alone! It is the best way.
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Re: do u have the answer?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
sounds like a cult, they may have been trying to mind bend you, I'd do a cleansing, meditation, and protection. these people can be dangerous to your peace of mind, but you can break that. blessings be.
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Re: do u have the answer?
Post # 4
My response is this cleanse your self but also your house things can become attached or summoned by doing what it sounds like you did. protect yourself it is always smart to do after any ritual including generally good ones. This is because hidden evil entities can notice you have power and try to trick you.
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Re: do u have the answer?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
Ronakid is right! It sounds like a cult. Any group that invites you to "show your feelings" is dangerous. Have nothing to do with such people.
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Re: do u have the answer?
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Do a cleanse, then put up protection. You are doing the thinking of them, allowing them space in your head. You can remove the thoughts by doing the cleanse and protection, then stop worrying, as you left in time, when you "felt" something was wrong. Good job! Now live your life..
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