Thirteen goals of a witch

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Thirteen goals of a witch
Post # 1
Thirteen goals of a witch, awe we have all heard of them nevermind probably read them. I am doing this to show the importance of the wiccan and pagan religion, and what work it takes to achieve knowledge. Thirteen goals, are well balanced fr it can't be divided but is known as lucky to witches. Please give me tips on more.

1. Know yourself.
2. Know your Craft (Wicca).
3. Learn.
4. Apply knowledge with wisdom.
5. Achieve balance.
6. Keep your words in good order.
7. Keep your thoughts in good order.
8. Celebrate life.
9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth.
10. Breathe and eat correctly.
11. Exercise the body.
12. Meditate
13. Honor the Goddess and God

I think each are important. Think honoring the gods are important why? Because they are essential to life. Excersising the body is good because without it we would not be healthy? What do these each mean to you?
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Re: Thirteen goals of a witch
Post # 2
Paganism is a umbrella term consisting of all religions not following the abrahamic God. Wicca is a religion founded by Gerald Gardner.
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Re: Thirteen goals of a witch
Post # 3
It's a mistake to say "pagan religion" because pagan is like an umbrella for many paths:Wicca for example.

It's not necessary to be a wiccan for practice witchcraft.

In this post you talk only about wicca,and I will said again it's not necessary to be a wiccan for practice magick.

The Horned God and Goddess are essential for life but if you use them only for magick,well it's not good lol.

Magick works with energies and don't have a connection with what I eat.

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Re: Thirteen goals of a witch
Post # 4
And what is eating healthy? Different scientists say different things!
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Re: Thirteen goals of a witch
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
I agree with all those goals,except number 13. I have been, (just about!),obeying all those goals. Even studying Wicca to some extent. But I am not, nor have I ever been, a Wiccan. I was a witch long before Wicca was publicised! The first twelve "goals" are good for any belief; or no belief.
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Re: Thirteen goals of a witch
Post # 6
Good post.
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Re: Thirteen goals of a witch
By: / Novice
Post # 7
The 13 Goals were written by Scott Cunningham. He evaluated his path and wanted to make a list of things to live by and eventually settled on these that every witch [not just Wiccans] can live by. He also stated goals can be added or removed at the witches morals, but these 13 seemed achievable for all. I live by them, and I agree with them. From personal experience its harder than you think. The first one stopped me dead because I realized I knew my likes and dislikes, but I didn't know myself as I thought I did. Personally lists helped like a list of 100 things I want to do [which took a week instead of a day like I thought] meditation does help you find out more about who you are but it only takes you so far.
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Re: Thirteen goals of a witch
Post # 8
Yes it is, thanks for correcting me.
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Re: Thirteen goals of a witch
Post # 9
And thanks for much demon. Also yeah it shocked me to, I follow these rules and tips so I can have and maintains balance and so I can become more experienced.

Also the question referring to eating is your view. I also know that one's eating is not a healthy way for another. What may be healthy to you will not be to another, so if one eats meat, and salfafs and cokes but still is healthy that is healthy for them but for some its not.
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Re: Thirteen goals of a witch
By: / Novice
Post # 10
Didn't mean to correct, I just wanted to add to your post.

True, everyone's diet is different, some are vegetarians, others love bacon, or have a heart condition, I feel it means to keep in balance. Too much of anything can be bad. Certain vitamins can be bad for your body if you have too much. As long as you do your best to keep your body healthy, you're doing it right.
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