spells do evolve

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spells do evolve
Post # 1

I did a love spell for the first time and when i did it the spell got stronger everday she would say something more and more every day,i was wanting to state this it does i was wrong.It take experiance to gain knowledge.

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Re: spells do evolve
Post # 2
What kind of love spell did you do, it depends how hard you tried, of you did it correctly, and what you did.

Spells take time, and don't just blossom overnight! Love spell's sometimes take longer, for it is usually messing with ''free will''

If someone is saying your not doing something right, your probably not.
Also I'm sorry If I'm way off, but I couldn't understand some of the grammar.
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Re: spells do evolve
Post # 3

Its ok my screen cracked so its hard it did take time i created my own spell.

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