I would say paranoia, if you, or your girlfriend, mentioned the dreams to your sister and her friend (was it?) they are likely to dream it themselves as you have planted the suggestion.
Dreams are dreams. Do not worry, paranoia is not something to be embraced and unless you believe yourself or your family to be suicidal, then you have nothing to worry about.
I doubt that is the case, but if it is, seek professional help.
As someone that dreamwalks within my practice, I have good reason to believe that dreams are more than just dreams. Thoughts take shape, and sometimes those thoughts are not our own. This doesn't mean that a spirit is maliciously giving these dreams. Your family could just be very sensitive to what is around them and very connected to one another. Someone in the family could have a moody neighbor or perhaps one of the family moved to a house with a nasty history? The possibility is endless right down to the purchase of small antiques or belongings from deceased loved ones. These hold a lot of history and a lot to pick up on. Some people are very sensitive concerning the moon or planetary alignments. I'm not one of them but even I have noticed a surge of nightly lucid dreaming without trying. With the recent moon eclipse and now just recently a partial solar eclipse, there is a lot going on! Don't even get me started on our upcoming Samhain and those effects!
All in all, whenever you feel that something isn't right, the safety precaution should always be some form of protection and in this case, I would consider something to also give balance and strength to the spirit of your family so that is more resilient to such things. Every group has a "spirit". You can simplify it to the idea of the family tree--links that bind. Or you can see it more complicated in the form of a group egrigore, a spirit guide, or a leading ancestor. Speaking of ancestors! Especially during this time, it may be a good opportunity to honor your ancestors on Samhain and ask for their blessing and protection in the coming year.
I have walked up on weird little shrines on the outskirts of my town. I think someone is doing something irisponsible but like I've been saying think it's just stress putting off bad mood thanks for the advice everyone