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Post # 1
I dreamed i had a mouthful of ants. I awoke in regurgitated.
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Re: dreams
By: / Novice
Post # 2
When you have your mouth full in a dream it means you cannot seem to express yourself in a waking situations. Ants could have two meanings, the first being a strong dissatisfaction in your life, like you are in a rut unable to break free, the second could be social conformity. Think of an antfarm, hard workers all working for the same goal, no individuality, if you are a soldier you protect the colony, if you are a carpenter you build. You could of recently gone through a moment where you went against what you felt was right to fit I'm with your friends or a group.

The other option is you were feeling sick in reality and it was trying to wake you up. There have been moments in dreams where waking life needs penetrate the dream. Take bed wetting, sometimes the dreamer will dream of jumping into water,
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