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Post # 1
can someone please explain to me
Whats the meaning of life?
im stumped and I need help
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Re: life
Post # 2
I think it may be different. It depends on your perspective.
For example Buddhist take life as a nonsense and they will an end in Nirvana. Christians want a paradise.
Some magicks and yogis for example, or spiritual alchemists want a beter liefe in a spiritual worlds between supernatural beings.
You can choose....
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Re: life
Post # 3
If you talking about purpose of life same as magick its also a highly personal.... everyone have their own. some people lives for their family other for doing help others for adventure some for money etc etc etc
Usually people look for their purpose of lofe only when they are having alot of problems other when they get bored of everything
So you should find your own purpose
And be happy and have fun because external workings can help to be joyful from inside =)
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Re: life
By: / Novice
Post # 4
No one knows, it's something you discover as you age. I could give you my view, but it doesn't mean it's right. Personally the meaning of life is to live. [sounds crazy I know] I believe in reincarnation, some in a heaven like afterlife, others that you stop, life ends. Whatever the outcome, I feel it's better to do things than sit around wondering. Some days drooling on the coutch watching tv is fine, or a rainy day of reading can be fun, but don't make that your existence, go out for a walk, try something new, conquer your fears, go sky diving, make a list of things you want to do in your life and try to accomplish it. Don't feel bad if you can't this instant, or can't think of anything, but everyone has at least one something they've always wanted.
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