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Post # 1
Can someone explain alchemy to me? Also if someone is willing to give lessons online that would be great. I am trying to read some fourms about it but nothing helps.
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Re: Alchemy
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

That is an immensely broad topic to cover. Are you looking for regional Alchemy? Time period? Spiritual? Medicinal? We need context, otherwise all we can do is throw any and all Alchemy resources at you and that's not something you want as it can be confusing and overwhelming without an introduction.

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Re: Alchemy
Post # 3
Great! Thanks for asking instead of just throwing everything right at me. That's why i asked, i don't know anything about alchemy. If you really don't mind can you explain the different types and how each one is different? Thank you, for your time.
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Re: Alchemy
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

Alchemy, at the core, was about taking something and making it better. While there was the end goal, the focus was more on the process of discovery. Alchemists are progressive thinkers, no matter the branch they practiced. This leads into my next point that there are a lot of aspects in Alchemy that have nothing to do with each other and that is directly because each process was different. Expanded thought upon the last (not to mention that many Alchemists were solitary practitioners). To really get to know Alchemy, you have to look at the cultures the sources come from. Look at the art, the philosophy, the typical paridigms of each culture they are found in.

I would not take Wiki to be the last word on any topic, but this page is a good way to expose yourself to various aspects of Alchemy to figure out what you'd like to further research. I cannot explan the differences between each practice because they are not all branches I have studied (that's what you get with a topic as vast as this).

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Re: Alchemy
Post # 5
Thank you for this, i will read about it. Thank you for taking the time to comment.
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