I want to learn!

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I want to learn!
Post # 1
Hi! I'm totally new at this and i want you guys to help me! I want to learn about everything. I want to be a witch. I am 13 years old (14 in february) and im a girl from Norway. I really want to learn spells and I've tried to do two spells but i don't know ye if i succed. But does any of you got any tips for me as a beginner? Please tell me everything, I want to learn!
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Re: I want to learn!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Introduce Yourself.
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Re: I want to learn!
Post # 3

Why are you even trying to cast spells when you do not know what you are doing? You don't even know the basics, yet you attempt to try anyways hoping they will work? I doubt they did.

To start your journey, you need to study the basics such as meditation, grounding, centering, visualization.

Then after a few months or so, perhaps a year, you can see about casting a spell. Some people on here practice the basics for 2 years before casting a spell. You need a good solid foundation before spell casting.

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Re: I want to learn!
Post # 4

The best advice i can give is to start with what is commonly know as the basics. There are posts here on the general info thread.

Start by learning what magic is and what a spell is.

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Re: I want to learn!
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I would find a good beginners book by a reputable author. Is there a specific path you wish to follow? A religion or just spell casting? There are many good articles and forums here to help [look at the pinned forums in the General Information section]

You should probably talk to your parents. It will be easier to learn if they know. I would keep a journal, write down the reasons why you want to learn. Be it 'to become one with nature' or 'to be powerful' write it down. Then, start studying, as you discover new things, write them down, not just to remember, but also how you feel and how it effects the previous list of reasons. Wiccans [I'm not sure if other paths do too] have a period of a year and a day where they study and experiment before they decide if the path is right for them. You should set a period of time [could be a month, could be a year] for you to research and learn before deciding what to do.
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Re: I want to learn!
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Forums/ General Info/ Basics Expanded and Starting Out. These are good for beginners. Also Newbie Central will show you how to use the site. Read, study, learn, then practice. You have to know how before you can do. Blessed Be...
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