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Post # 1
How do all the kinetics work

And how where they created and when did kinetics start and form
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Re: kinetics
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I'm assuming here you mean "kinesis" instead of "kinetics" as they are not the same thing.

Kinetics is the study of motion and its causes.

Kinesis according to the dictionary means approximately the same thing; however, the word has been appropriated by Hollywood and fantasy novels, particularly in " Avatar: The Last Airbender " to mean something quite different. The Hollywood version of kinesis involves using the mind only to control the Elements and to get objects to move at your will. This is not truly possible in real life. Kinesis remains in the realm of fantasy rather than reality. You can try all sorts of so-called spells and methods to develop kinesis but it isn't going to work.

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