Must have ebooks vs books

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Must have ebooks vs books
Post # 1

I was wondering if people could share their MUST have it all category books, please do help me if i missed any.

For example, must have:
0-Psychic self defence,
3-Magik, spells, candle, oils, Elemental, folk, herbs, potions,
Wicca, Santaria, Voodoo etc etc
4-Chaos, necromancy, grimoure, Ceremonial ritual magik,
5-Astral Projection

Divination books:
Tea or coffee

There are some sites that do share books like

Please do help with the categories if necessary, i keep mixing up things too., based on these sites anyone could get confused about it;

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Re: Must have ebooks vs books
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I don't know why but your font is huge and cannot be read [at least I can't] what are you asking exactly? Just curious what books people like or you want a list of important books? Everyone's different, I would include books by Scott Cunningham, but Wicca for Life isn't a 'must' for everyone. [Plus no matter how much I like Deborah Blake because she writes similarly to myself, I get why some people might be annoyed by her]
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Re: Must have ebooks vs books
By: / Novice
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: Must have ebooks vs books
Post # 4
The website link on my profile will take you to Sacred Texts, which is a free online resource center. It does have some ebooks you can download.
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Re: Must have ebooks vs books
Post # 5
Why so many different books. Neither can not all read or use.
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Re: Must have ebooks vs books
Post # 6
i wanted to know what everyone suggests are must have books on different occult belief subjects whether mysticism, ceremonial magic, witchcraft, geomatria, divination etc etc

I got tons last week from a friend who works for a few sites, the company allowed us to share them, i cant even start to list them all because im still trying to find the right categories.
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Re: Must have ebooks vs books
Post # 7
i got tons of ebooks from this online ebook company, i just cant figure out how to categorize them and when i do i want the must haves according to practitioners and the so so ok to haves.
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