in the middle of night

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in the middle of night
Post # 1
Marry me my name is Deidre and I wanted to know something cuz something very strange happened to me last night I woke up in the middle of the night. and I saw floating on my feeling a round symbol with black writing it was white and other than square symbol with black writing that was also white but I couldn't make out what it said. and lately my boyfriend has been acting very very strange is if he's hiding something and he's taking it out on me. I would like to know if there is evil or maybe something extremely negative lurking around him. and what I could do to break him out of it or to get that evil or negativity away from him
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Re: in the middle of night
Post # 2
I forgot to mention to you when I woke up this morning they were black smudges on the top of my hand my right hand
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Re: in the middle of night
By: / Novice
Post # 3

I'm not sure exactly what happened due to your explanation, but is there is negativity, you can do a cleansing of the house. Also a thorough self cleansing would be helpful. You can suggest to him to do the same.

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