Where to start

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Where to start
Post # 1
Hello im kinda new.I use to use this site a lot but i got kinda discouraged when nothing seemed to work and i decided to try again.Now I was just wondering where to start.Thanks
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Re: Where to start
Post # 2
Welcome to SoM. From What I see, this community strives to gain more knowledge together. With that said, I suggest checking the following places.





I suggest on the following links above, due to the fact that they show you aroujd the site, and can aid in help.

With that said, i suggest learning the basics. Try grounding and centuring, as well as visualization techniques, abd meditation. I also highly suggest, the year and a day study. Are you interested in a religion? Wicca? Ect. Message me?
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Re: Where to start
Post # 3

Nothing worked...depends on what you were trying to do.

More than 70 percent of the spells on here do not work. They are here to bring traffic to the site so it will gain money for future updates and/or other site subjects.

It is encouraged that you make your own spells, if you are experienced enough.

To get a good idea of magick and how it works, research a few articles on here about magic. Also, to get a good foundation built, I would suggest starting with the basics such as meditation, grounding, centering, energy minipulation and visualization.

Magic is not yours to control. You work with magic. You respect magic.

Any spell that sounds illogical such as shapeshifting, flying, teleportation, any type of kinesis, or anything that changes your dna is anyway is impossible. Keep that in mind when searching for a spell to try out.

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Re: Where to start
Post # 4
Thank you both this will really help me i just know it!
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Re: Where to start
Post # 5
And i just remembered i made ome spell and it worked!
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Re: Where to start
Post # 6
It would also help you by keeping your experiences written down in a journal, so you can refer to your notes later before you try another spell or ritual. Also, make sure you understand the basic correspondents and how the affect your magick. By the way, magick is simply the art of taking two separate things into something completely new; spells, witchcraft, paranormal, etc is Occult, there is a difference. And make sure nothing you are trying to do violates the laws of physics and nature.
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