Something different..

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Something different..
Post # 1
I would like to start a coven on something most people here might not appreciate but i do hope understand it is something you must learn to accept. I would like to teach people how to nuetralize and dismember magic. This is practice of learning how to be able to sense it and also get rid of it. This is for expereinced people and also people who understand the consequences of practicing this. Have any questions? Discuss.
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Re: Something different..
Post # 2
I know what you mean, like being able to disarm a mahickal person, sorry to quote harry potter, but its like magicking the wand away (if they have one) or hexing them so they cant use incantations.
Also perhaps a magickal shield to prevent some magicks from affecting your bubble/aura.
You should call it defence against the dark arts! lol
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