visions, How?

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visions, How?
Post # 1
hello does anyone have any information on how to have visions with a spell,chant ect
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Re: visions, How?
Post # 2

One well known method is scrying, gazing into a black bowl of water and clearing your mind, awaiting what visions or feelings come. Bear in mind though that visions arent like on Tv, (nothing is, for good reason) and everything is a little bit more subtle. most people dont get anything from their first handful of tries. an alternitive to a bowl of water would be gazing into a candles flame, though that can also hurt your eyes a little at first.

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Re: visions, How?
Post # 3
I've never tried a spell. I had basically a high intention. I was actually overcome with nervousness and I just kept thinking about it. And then my eyes stopped working and my mind seemed to play a dizzy scenario in my head as if my eyes were looking inside my head, and saw it. After it, I was confused and astonished! Sure enough, in 5 minutes it came to be. I was rambling about it for weeks ! Meditation and intention seems to take me there. I also get visions of guidance from my goddess, Athena, but all of this is a very effective way of foreseeing. Not of the wise, it drains much of your energy.
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