On the Subject of Curses

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On the Subject of Curses
Post # 1
Hello, all. I fear I may have potentially been cursed, albeit I'm not sure with what. You see, a friend of mine who has deeply rooted spiritual beliefs got into an argument with me. They're a very aggressive, angry and generally negative person. They mentioned cursing people right before I blocked them and I am worried that they may potentially curse me.
Does anybody know a way to find out if I have been cursed, how to prevent a potential curse, or how to remove a curse?

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Re: On the Subject of Curses
Post # 2
They can put the black eye on you.But,I don't think they curse you if they on this site.You said blocked them.It's not possible to curse someone through the internet without meeting them in person,or having an item of them.
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Re: On the Subject of Curses
Post # 3
They were not on this site specifically but indeed were online. Thanks for putting my worries to rest. I'm quite glad that I cannot be cursed from here.
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Re: On the Subject of Curses
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
A curse can only hurt you if you believe that it can! A curse would be wasted on me. I would find it rather amusing!
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Re: On the Subject of Curses
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

If you think someone might send negative energies in your direction, and indeed as a part of your regular practice, it is a good idea to become familiar with how to do personal shields and wards for your living space to fend off such instances. With adequate wards and shields in place you won't have to worry about someone throwing a curse in your direction as it will simply bounce off, and perhaps even return to sender.

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Re: On the Subject of Curses
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Cleanse and protect yourself and your home, then forget about it. The majority of curses are self inflicted, you worry you might be cursed and as a result you bring so much negative energy your way you get cursed. If you ignore that worry, even if you are cursed, it won't be nearly as bad.
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Re: On the Subject of Curses
Post # 7
Wash up in salt water.
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Re: On the Subject of Curses
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
Lark nailed it, as usual. But since you have yet to have those personal shields up, you may want to do something like this and then get to maintaining a continual protection.


Personally, I use the seasons/sabbats to remind me to bless and clean house and practice my personal protection work. But someone new like yourself may want to say a small protection (like you would bedtime prayers) and practice a larger cleansing and protection ritual weekly or bi-weekly for yourself, house, car (even if you aren't the driver), etc.
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Re: On the Subject of Curses
Post # 9
Its not impossible to curse people you meet online but its very difficult. Whoever it was if they meet you online and decide to curse you they would need to have a good feel for your energy so they'd either need to know you well enough to have a feel for it or if you had a picture of yourself.
Whoever it is would need to have a very advanced grasp on energy manipulation to be able to have it work,and they'd have to have a very good hold of your energy to make the curse latch onto you so more than likely your still safe. I don't know many that cast spells of that sort with pure energy manipulation and they would have to use their own energy to do so.
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Re: On the Subject of Curses
Post # 10
They going to need some strong emotions for their curse to work.
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