After your 3 eye is oppen

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After your 3 eye is oppen
Post # 1
What heppens after your third eye is oppened? I need to now as fast because i am doning 3 days exercice to open it. Tommorow is the second day.
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Re: After your 3 eye is oppen
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
dont keep ur 3rd eye open all the time huni as it will make u ill try to close it and reopen it wen u need it or u will end up with really bad headaches and feel weak if u start seeing flashes and going dizzy close it for a few hours chic
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Re: After your 3 eye is o
Post # 3
i want to know how to open it. And now how to close it too. Tnx for the info.
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Re: After your 3 eye is oppen
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
the best way is throught meditation look for the chakra med its a bit long but it will ground u and open ur 3rd eye to work with , after u have done ur work close ur 3rd eye the best way i have found to open and close then is to see a flower and open the petels then after see the petels close again good luck and blessed be
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